Welcome to the Mad House!

Hey everybody. If you have found this, I hope you told your friends where you were going so they know where to tell the cops to look for you.

My name is Zac, aka "Spanner Murraan", the Maverick Mando Mechanic. This is the Garage, a place to showcase some of my work. Feel free to pull up a stool, pop open a cold one, and join me!-

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ok, So it has been a good long while since I have posted here.  School and life got in the way of Droid building, but I have some exciting (well at least for me) news -

I am currently setting the R3 clear dome to the side, and going to turn my Droid into an R6 model:
I really like the look of these guys, and there aren't many of them out there.  I really like the "expression" on their faces, and they are just a little more visually interesting.  Right now I am cooking up some plans to make the new head out of Styrene.

My plans for the R3 dome are to either turn it into a "car Droid" that will go on top of my Car for Mando Mercs events, or to turn him into a "mini Droid" such as this one done by Craig Smith:

So that is the plan for now.  I gotta finish one costume before work can really begin again, but skins will be coming soon, so stay tuned, True believers!

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